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Small Miracles

Table of Contents:

Movie Brief

Twice Emmy winner Judd Hirsch (Taxi, Independence Day) and Kathryn Kates (Orange is the New Black, Shades of Blue) guide the way on timeless true stories that inspire and show the will of the human spirit. Based on the New York Times best-selling book series bearing the same name, 'Small Miracles', published in 14 languages across the world.

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4 amazing stories that define the beauty of faith and the will of the human spirit! Great family dramatic programming that is both touching and visually interesting. These are the kind of stories that stick with you long after the film has ended. Small miracles but lasting inner peace.

David Catalano

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Discovering the Power of Small Miracles: A Journey of Faith

In a world where we often find ourselves searching for hope and faith, "Small Miracles" stands as a beacon of inspiration. This Christian film, based on the New York Times best-selling book series, takes us on a profound journey through timeless true stories. Twice Emmy winner Judd Hirsch and Kathryn Kates lead us to explore the beauty of everyday miracles and the strength they bring to our faith in God.

Small Miracles in Everyday Life

Life is filled with ordinary moments that often go unnoticed, but these small miracles are divine signs that remind us of God's presence in our daily lives. Just as the film "Small Miracles" highlights, everyday miracles are all around us. They can be as simple as a timely phone call from a friend, a beautiful sunset, or even finding a lost item when you least expect it. It's essential to recognize and appreciate these small blessings, for they have the power to strengthen our faith.

The Significance of Little Miracles

In a world that often longs for grand gestures and undeniable proofs, it's easy to overlook the significance of little miracles. However, it's important to remember that these small wonders are a testament to God's continuous presence in our lives. They offer us a sense of reassurance and hope, demonstrating that God is listening and watching over us.

Sharing Miracles with Others

One of the most beautiful aspects of experiencing small miracles is the opportunity to share them with others. When we open our hearts and reveal these modern miracles, we not only strengthen our own faith but also inspire faith in others. These contemporary miracles serve as a bridge between individuals, connecting them through their shared experiences of God's love and guidance.

God Speaks Through Everyday Small Miracles

Small miracles are a means through which God communicates with us. They are like whispered messages of love and reassurance, reminding us that we are never alone in our journey of faith. Just as "Small Miracles" portrays, God uses these subtle gestures to show His presence and to guide us in the right direction. All we need to do is open our hearts and listen.

The Power of Small Miracles in Reviving Our Faith

Our faith can sometimes waver in the face of doubt or adversity. However, it's during these moments that small miracles play a vital role in reviving our faith. They serve as a reminder that God's love is unwavering, and His power is undeniable. Through our belief in miracles, we find the strength to persevere and trust in His divine plan.

Why Do Miracles Not Happen Today?

Some may question whether miracles still happen in our modern world. The truth is, they do. The film "Small Miracles" and the stories it portrays are a testament to the fact that miracles are not confined to ancient times but are very much a part of our contemporary lives. Miracles continue to occur, reminding us of God's unfaltering presence and love.

"Small Miracles" is a heartwarming reminder that faith is not built solely on grand gestures but on the countless small miracles that grace our everyday lives. These everyday miracles are a source of inspiration, rekindling our belief in the divine and strengthening our connection with God. By sharing these stories of modern miracles, we not only inspire others but also remind ourselves that God speaks to us through the simplest of gestures. So, let us believe in miracles, recognize the little wonders around us, and embrace the power of small miracles in nurturing our faith.

Further Details

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4 episodes included

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Judd Hirsch, Kathryn Kates


Faith and Spirituality, Drama, Special Interest


English [CC]

Audio languages



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